“A kiss on the hand…
“A kiss on the hand…

“A kiss on the hand…

….may be quite continental” famously sang Marilyn Monroe…

But it seems that the continent has changed…

In France a kiss on the cheek is now the way to go … A veritable nightmare for foreigners and the unaware.
Just how many kisses are necessary? One? Two? Three? It can even stretch to 4 in certain regions which is lovely… Until it comes to greeting a room full of people, which can take up the lion’s share of any evening !

And then the age old dilemma : do you actually kiss, or just touch cheeks? Who knows? I certainly don’t. Maybe air kissing is really the way to go… Everyone seems to follow someone else’s example. So does anyone actually know? We doubt it but never mind, any kisses are better than none !

Read up here on the awkardness of kissing etiquette in the U.K.!