… so maybe there IS something else to look forward to…
… so maybe there IS something else to look forward to…

… so maybe there IS something else to look forward to…

…. apparantly the over-75 crowd is “getting it” more than the rest of us !

According to a study conducted by the University of Chicago of 3000 American senior citizens, more than half of those over 65 who were suveyed were still sexually active. All the more impressive is the finding that 26% were still sexually active after 75!

If the saying “practice makes perfect” applies here, then this group must be getting pretty darned good at it!
Our advise to them… and to the rest of the world … is to just keep practicing!

… Apparemment les plus de 75 ans “le font” plus que le reste d’entre nous.

Selon une étude menée par l’université de Chicago et basée sur 3000 senior Américains, plus de la moitié d’entre eux ayant plus de 65ans sont encore sexuellement actifs. D’autant plus impressionnant est le constat que 26% étaient encore sexuellement actifs après 75 ans !

Si le dicton “la pratique rend parfait” s’applique ici, alors ce groupe doit devenir sacrément bon dans ce domaine !
Notre conseil pour eux… et pour le reste du monde… est de continuer à pratiquer !